Whale Found Stranded in a Creek on the North Fork


Officials monitored the whale overnight and will formulate a plan today.

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Photo: AMSEAS Facebook page.

The Atlantic Marine Conservation Society (AMSEAS) reported yesterday that a live minke whale was stranded in a creek in Southold Town on the North Fork of Long Island.


“Trained responders from AMSEAS quickly arrived on scene and assessed the animal to be partially stranded in a creek, with the tide outgoing,” the organization said in a statement on Facebook. “Unfortunately, the whale was in an area that was extremely difficult to access. However, AMSEAS staff were able to reach the whale with the help of safety personnel from the Southold Town Bay Constables and Police Department.”


AMSEAS said the whale is about 18 feet long and thin in appearance.


“Due to the time of day, environmental conditions, and safety for the responders and the whale, sedation was administered to the whale to help relieve any suffering or pain it may be experiencing,” they added.


Because of its location AMSEAS said that the whale could not be safely moved nor were they able to provide additional medical intervention. The whale will be monitored overnight by local officials, and additional intervention plans are being developed in consultation with NOAA Fisheries for this morning.


AMSEAS said that additional updates will be provided tomorrow morning after the team re-evaluates the whale.


In New York, report all stranded marine mammals and sea turtles to the NY Stranding Hotline: 631-369-9829. For all other states in the northeast, call NOAA’s marine mammal and sea turtle stranding hotline 866-755-6622 to be directed to a trained responder.