#LongIsland Pets

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Post: 68
Location: Hicksville, NY

#LongIsland Pets

27 Dec, 2014 9:03 p.m.

Why are #LongIsland pets neglected in backyards across Long Island & NO LAWS are in place to protect them?

No food - No water - No shelter

Where is the SPCA?
Why doesn't the #SPCA have authority to enforce existing laws?

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Re:#LongIsland Pets

29 Dec, 2014 12:11 p.m.

If you see animal neglect or abuse going on around your neighborhood one of the main reasons the SPCA probably hasn't done anything about it, is because they don't know about it yet. I would recommend giving them a call if you feel an animal is in danger. Here is a link to the Nassau County SPCA phone number and here is a link to the Suffolk County SPCA phone number.

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Post: 68
Location: Hicksville, NY

Re:#LongIsland Pets

31 Dec, 2014 4:52 p.m.

Humph So many people for so many years - day in, day out - I am positive they call - SPCA has an opinion that isn't consistent with what a compassionate person would think & NYS laws aren't helping -

There was a new tethering law passed 2014 - - - - - - HOW do we get that enforced? No one is driving around neighborhoods timing how long a dog is out - HOWEVER when rescue groups go out into the communities EVERY DAY & must feed the dogs that owners don't feed or provide shelter for - SPCA is dropping that ball -

HOW DO WE GET help for these pets?
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