Legislator Anker Makes Clean Water a Priority


Legislator Anker Attends Kick-Off to Protect Water Quality

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Islandia, NY, April 2013 - On Thursday, April 18, Suffolk County Legislator Sarah Anker joined environmental scientists, planners, advocates, and community members for a comprehensive presentation concerning Long Island’s declining water quality.

“Water We Going to Do?” provided participants with an opportunity to learn more about the challenge, strategy, and campaign that is needed to make clean water action a top priority throughout Long Island for years to come.

“Long Island’s water is increasingly threatened by sewage, pesticides, hazardous chemicals, and other contaminants,” said Legislator Anker.  “We need to have open discussions focussing on how we can restore and preserve our vital water resources.”

Sponsored by a group of leading conservation organizations including Group for the East End, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Long Island Pine Barrens Society and The Nature Conservancy, the event also served as a networking opportunity for environmental activists to develop a protection plan for clean water throughout Long Island.


Pamela Donovan