Leg. Lindsay III Tours Updated Facility for Mental Health Program


Recently, Skills Unlimited, an affiliate of Family Residences and Essential Enterprises, Inc. (FREE) hosted Suffolk County Legislator Bill Lindsay III to their newly updated Mental Health SUCCESS PROS facility.

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Old Bethpage, NY - August 26, 2015 - Recently, Skills Unlimited, an affiliate of Family Residences and Essential Enterprises, Inc. (FREE) hosted Suffolk County Legislator Bill Lindsay III to their newly updated Mental Health SUCCESS PROS facility.  The Program is a recovery-oriented psychiatric rehabilitation program for adults over the age of 18. 

The SUCCESS Personalized Recovery Oriented Services (PROS) program is a resource designed to help individuals living with mental illness regain the skills and abilities needed to move forward on their life goals.  SUCCESS PROS embraces the recovery model of mental health and realizes each individual has their own set of unique strengths, abilities and needs.  At the SUCCESS  program, the team focuses on personalized recovery; each individual creates their own plan for realizing their life goal. Individuals can engage in a variety of activities and groups based on their interests and need. Goals of employment, furthering their education and living more independent lives are constant themes within the program. 

About Skills Unlimited Inc.
Skills Unlimited Inc. is a not-for-profit organization which offers a full range of rehabilitation services to person with disabilities. Skills Unlimited became incorporated in 1954 and opened its doors to the Long Island community in 1955. Our basic goals have remained the same and that is to offer persons with disabilities the opportunity to explore and develop their full vocational potential.  For more information please visit www.skillsunlimited.org.

About Family Residences and Essential Enterprises, Inc. (FREE)
Family Residences and Essential Enterprises, Inc. (FREE) founded in 1977 and headquartered in Old Bethpage, benefits and proudly supports more than 4,000 individuals with intellectual disabilities, mental illness and traumatic brain injury. It is the mission of FREE to help individuals of all abilities realize their full potential. FREE provides a diverse array of supports and services including: housing, recovery services, transition to work, employment, day, community and family services, respite, crisis services, education and after-school support, primary and specialty health care and advocacy. For more information, please call 516-870-7000 or visit www.familyres.org.

Pictured: (from left to right) David Barhome, Assistant Vice President, Behavioral Health Services, Family Residences and Essential Enterprises, Inc. (FREE), Legislator Bill Lindsay, Donarae, program participant, SUCCESS PROS, Skills Unlimited and Ruth Parkin, PROS Program Director, Skills Unlimited, Inc.