10th Annual Car Free Day Long Island Set for Thursday, September 22


Last year, Car Free Day was celebrated in more than 3,100 cities in 50 countries around the world.

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It’s expected that thousands of commuters will take part in the 10th annual Car Free Day on Thursday, September 22 by leaving their cars in the driveway and taking mass transit, carpooling, biking or walking where they need to go.


Last year, Car Free Day was celebrated in more than 3,100 cities in 50 countries around the world. It’s celebrated in different ways but with the common goal of taking cars off the road. They say that the benefit to society is a day with less traffic congestion, a greener environment and reduced energy use. According to the website, the pandemic lockdown dramatically reduced cars on the road and Long Islanders enjoyed fresh, cleaner air.


This year, Car Free Day Long Island is offering an incentive to everyone who signs up to make the pledge by offering a chance to win a number of prizes, including a Giant brand Escape 3 bicycle.


There are a number of regional resources that can help you be Car Free or Car-Lite.

To participate in this event, all you have to do is pledge to be car free or car-light on September 22, 2022 by filling out the pledge form on www.CarFreeDayLI.com. Those who take the pledge will automatically be entered for a chance to win great prizes.

