Ask Me Elyse: What to Do About a Late Night Caller

How to say no and not give your number to every random guy who asks.

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Ask Me Elyse is a question and answer advice column dealing with a wide range of topics including relationships, friendships, work, and family. Ask Me Elyse tries to give advice that is saucy yet practical, empathetic yet honest. Do you have a burning question that you would like to ask? Is there an issue that you can't seem to figure out? If so email your questions to

Dear Elyse,

I have the habit of giving out my number to just about any guy who asks for it on the street. And there are a lot of guys who ask for my number. I know most women would be flattered, but I’m not. At this point, I’m agitated. The last guy called me at 2 am, 4:30 am, and then at 5 am asking if he could come over. And we only had a ten-minute conversation. I never thought I would do this but I saved his phone number as wacko in my phone so that I know not to pick it up when he calls. How do I say no to everyone who asks for my number?

Yours, Awakened by Late Night Phone Calls


Dear Awakened by Late Night Phone Calls,

It sounds like you are approached by many guys for your number and feel guilty about saying no. Well, don’t’. First of all, there are many women out there. If they don’t get your number, they’ll get someone else’s number. In addition, you aren’t doing them a service if you create a false hope of a relationship in their head and then never meet up with them. Now, if you aren’t feeling guilty, perhaps you are experiencing the sensation when you tell yourself, “I should be thankful that some guy digs me and take his number even though I can’t stand him”. Well don’t. Realize that if you put out good energy, then you will attract a man who you are attracted to. Now, what do you do when you don’t want to give out your number? Simply say to the guys that you aren’t available. You are sure that the guy is great but aw shucks you are already spoken for. This way you aren’t rejecting them. Good luck!

Yours, Elyse

Elyse Bradshaw Seinfeld is a writer living on Long Island. She is working on her first book, Stripper on The Loose which will be coming out soon. She considers herself a student of life: from her experiences as a recruiter, a student advisor, a masseuse, a chef, a tennis professional, and a radio show booker, she has seen and lived it all! For more of Elyse's helpful tips, be sure to check out her blog, at