Weather Alert  

COASTAL FLOOD ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 11 PM THIS EVENING TO 3 AM EDT FRIDAY * WHAT...Mainly up to 1 foot, and locally up to 2 feet of inundation above ground level expected in vulnerable areas near the waterfront and shoreline. * WHERE...In Connecticut, Southern Fairfield County. In New York, Southern Westchester and Northwest Suffolk Counties. * WHEN...From 11 PM this evening to 3 AM EDT Friday. * IMPACTS...Minor flooding in the more vulnerable locations near the waterfront and shoreline. Some roads and low lying properties including parking lots, parks, lawns, and homes and businesses with basements near the waterfront will experience minor flooding. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Additional minor coastal flooding is possible Friday night.

Salomonsen Mcmahon

Last logged in 1 year ago

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