Don’t Let Worry Rule Your Career

Many of us are worried about our career. We worry that we won't find employment, keep the employment we have, or survive the demands of an increasing workload. Worrying is tough. It keeps us up ...

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Many of us are worried about our career. We worry that we won't find employment, keep the employment we have, or survive the demands of an increasing workload. Worrying is tough. It keeps us up at night questioning our future and ourselves.

So, why do we worry? We worry when we have a situation in front of us and we are scared that it won't work out. We are afraid that we will make the wrong decision (again), fail, or look bad in front of others. This fear keeps us from seeing a way out.

Worrying won't move your career forward; it will only hold it back.

If You Want More Freedom (And Less Worry) In Your Career, There Are Steps You Can Take. Here's How:

1. Don't Let Worrying Consume You

Easier said than done? Yes, bad things happen to good people. We all know great people who were outsourced, let go, or demoted. Will this happen to you to? No one really knows. Maybe your career will be great and you do not know it yet. (Or, maybe it was and you haven't recaptured that yet.) It's ok to wonder what will happen. But if worrying is more prevalent than wonder, then you are not being fair to yourself.

2. Embrace Uncertainty

Uncertainty is good. Uncertainty gives you energy and keeps you on your toes. When you are not worried about tomorrow, you can focus on today. Face what you are worried about so its power over you disappears. Ask yourself what you can right now to tackle your worry. Once you have your answer, you won't be afraid of the future anymore.

3. Create A New Future

If you were not worried about your career, what would you be doing differently? Would you be bolder? Tougher? Happier? Would you be in the same job? The same career? Would you be working for yourself or running your company? Would you be working part-time or telecommuting? Would you be living in a different city or country? Get these thoughts on paper. These thoughts are called your vision, which is your true wish for your career. Look at your vision everyday. Don't talk yourself out of your vision by giving reasons why it won't happen. Instead, use your words to inspire you and give you something to look forward to in the future.

4. Take Action

Small consistent action over time produces results. Inconsistent action coupled with worry delays results. You will reach your goals if you work on them regularly. Here is the magic formula: you put in the work, and you reach your goals. (Note: it might take longer than you want but this does not mean it won't happen.) What about a goal that seems overwhelming or unachievable? Break it into pieces and then work on a small piece everyday. No matter what. If you want freedom in your career, you have to work at it.

5. Expect Big Things

Our careers are great when we make them great. Expect that big things will happen to you and when you are not worrying anymore, they will.

So, what do you say? You only have one life to live, so it might as well be a life you love!