
Greenport and Southold Districts Respond to Budgeting by Sharing One Superintendent

Written by Lyndsay McCabe  |  16. November 2013

In a historic move, Greenport and Southold school districts have decided to share a single superintendent.

The school boards of both districts have agreed to contract Southold Superintendent David Gamberg for two years, beginning July 2014, in order to cut down on costs and encourage sharing services between the districts. 

According to a press release by outgoing Greenport Superintendent Michael Comanda, “It has been agreed upon that the two districts will share Mr. Gamberg’s salary equally and he will have dual reporting lines to both boards.”

“In the tax levy cap environment, this could be something that saves both districts money and, additionally, provide more opportunities for shared programs,” Mr. Gamberg said to The Suffolk Times. “I feel honored by the prospect of taking this on … I’ll do my level best for both school communities.”

Each district is comprised of only two buildings – an elementary school, and a junior/senior high school. 

“This is yet another clear example of how we can expand upon our ongoing commitment toward increased shared services that support our long term strategic plan to contain costs,” said Southold school board president Paulette Ofrias.

State Senator Ken LaValle (R-Port Jefferson) has been a big proponent in sharing services between districts, and recently secured $150,000 for both schools for construction of a shared-use track project in Greenport.

“I am proud of the Greenport and Southold school districts and boards for taking this bold step to save taxpayer dollars while maintaining and expanding student programs,” said LaValle. “It is my sincere hope that other school districts will look to Greenport and Southold’s shared-service model and adopt policies to provide a quality education at a cost taxpayers can afford.”

The public is welcome to attend board meetings on Nov. 20 in Southold and Nov. 21 in Greenport to ask questions or comment on the plan.

[Source: Greenport School District, The Suffolk Times]

Image Courtesy of C. G. P. Grey.

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