Need to Know from Governor Cuomo's Briefing Today

Need to Know from Governor Cuomo's Briefing Today

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Cuomo’s Briefing Breakdown 
 - Deaths 195 (142 in hospitals, 53 in nursing home) 

Emerging Issue Among Youth:
- NYS DOH is investigating 100 cases of what may be COVID related illness in children with symptoms similar to Kawasaki disease and toxic shock-like syndrome
- Illness has taken lives of 5 year old boy, 7 year old boy, and 18 year old girl
- Out of 100 cases, 5% of cases are found in those aged 1 or younger, 18% of cases are found in those aged 1-4, 29% is found in those aged 5-9, 28% in kids aged 10-14, 16% in those aged 15-19, and 4% in those 20-21.
- DOH is advising all hospitals to prioritize COVID-19 testing for children presenting symptoms

- Follow CDC reopening criteria
- Heed Dr. Fauci's warnings on risking an outbreak that cannot be controlled
- Learn from others' mistakes (China, South Korea, Germany)
- Maintain regional management and citizen participation 
- Be transparent and give people the facts
- Calibrate/control by monitoring diagnostic testing, antibody testing, hospitalizations rate and capacity, infection rate
- Regional control group should manage, monitor, and ensure compliance with safety precautions 
- Finger Lakes, Mohawk Valley, and Southern Tier meet reopening criteria
- Status of regions will be updated daily and available to view at

Reopening (Local Govt Role)
- Local governments will head reopening/safety precaution enforcement 
- Calibrate activity to keep cases at a manageable place
- State and local leaders will work with any employer to determine proper safety precautions 
- Reopening is process driven by people and their actions (wearing masks, hand washing)

Nursing Homes
- We now have more testing capacity, so nursing homes should be prioritized
- We will work with regions who do not have the testing capacity to do two tests per week for staff.
- According to DeRosa nursing homes have until Wednesday to submit a testing plan.
- If nursing home worker refuses a test when nursing home and local government have agreed to terms, then they should not be working there especially if tests
are available.