
Town of Islip Declares State of Emergency in Advance of Severe Winter Storm

Written by Long Island News & PR  |  26. January 2015

January 25, 2015 - Islip, NY - As of noon today, January 26th, the Town of Islip has declared a 2B State of Emergency due to the severe winter weather predicted.  Heavy snowfall, high winds, and possible flooding are expected in areas across Islip Town. Residents are urged to limit their travel, and to park their cars off the streets to help our plows navigate Town roadways.  No vehicle may park on a street in a residential or business district during a declared snow emergency at any time. In addition, the Town Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 27th has been cancelled.   The Town’s Emergency Call Center will also be activated at 3:00 p.m. today – residents can call 631-595-3595, with any snow related questions or concerns.

“Our Highway Department personnel are working around-the-clock, ready for whatever this storm has to bring our way. It is imperative that residents stay off the roads so that our trucks can get through and do the job they need to,” says Councilwoman Trish Bergin Weichbrodt.

The Town has deployed all of its snow plows, equipment and emergency vehicles which will work together before, during and after the storm.  The snow removal process began with the application of brine, and has now moved into a sanding, salting and plowing operation.

“We are taking all of the necessary steps to ensuring that our roads are clear, and that we keep the Town safe during this winter weather emergency,” says Councilman Steve Flotteron.  

All public roads, main thoroughfares and residential streets will be plowed by Highway Department personnel, with a main goal of keeping the main roads open and clear. These arterials are the key to providing safe access for emergency vehicles as well as maintaining the steady flow of traffic since most residents live within a few blocks of such a route. The plows then continue to all streets on the route to open up each one in sequence. If the storm continues in intensity, the trucks remain in that same pattern until the storm abates.

“We are committed to ensuring the safety of our residents. We ask that they be patient as we follow protocol during this state of emergency,” says Councilman Anthony Senft.
“We encourage our residents to stay home with their loved ones, to be safe and out of the storm. Please take the appropriate precautions and continue to follow our updates to receive the most up-to-date information,” noted Councilman John Cochrane, Jr.

Please continue to check the Town’s website at www.townofislip-ny.gov for updates, closures, and more storm-related information. Other important numbers to remember are PSEG’s customer complaint line at 1-800-490-0075, for power outages and downed wires and lines; National Grid’s Gas Emergency line at 1-800-490-0045, and 9-1-1 for medical emergencies.


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