Dog Diapers

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Dog Diapers

07 Feb, 2012 3:11 p.m.

Like most pet owners, I am willing to put up with some pretty nasty habits of my beloved animals. In fact, from the age of 13, I've been willing to allow the cashiers at the supermarket to either believe that I was a very, very young mother, or my own mother a rather old one, because every week we buy a pack of pampers pull ups. My mom has figured out a way of snipping them so she can tie the diaper to our little doggy's harness so he can still run all over the house lifting his leg, but we don't have to smell it. Unfortunately, if the diaper goes on at 6 PM and comes off at 6 AM, you can imagine what he's carrying around the house. And it's not always number one. And instead of the house smelling, the dog smells.
We tried to house train him, but Yorkies are notorious for not taking to this training. We tried setting newspapers on the floor, and instead the cats used them (way different bladder capacities). This is the only solution we can live with, not that it's much of one. My family can't be the only one to have resorted to this, are we?

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Post: 58
Location: Commack, 11725

Re:Dog Diapers

08 Feb, 2012 11:14 a.m.

Do you have to give the dog a bath every day? What is the advantage of cutting up diapers over using the pre-cut doggie diapers that are sold at the pet shop now?
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