Major World

Major World
43-40 Northern Boulevard
Long Island City, NY 11101
Phone: 888-522-6436

Customers love the no-pressure experience at Major World. Their expert sales staff's mission is to treat every visitor like an honored guest, and to help customers quickly learn that shopping at Major World means being treated with respect, and not having to negotiate or visit multiple dealers to get the price you deserve.

Major World also considers itself to be one of the premier New York used car dealers, maintaining a large selection of quality used cars for shoppers–over 3,000 cars to choose from.

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Featues & Attributes

  • Offers Repairs
  • Offers Financing
  • Accepts Trade Ins
  • Offers Test Drives
  • Parts Department
Contact Info

43-40 Northern Boulevard
Long Island City, NY 11101
Phone: 888-522-6436
Visit Website


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