
National Hunger Action Month: How You Can End This September With a Difference

Written by Angeline R.  |  25. September 2012

September is not just a time for back to school sales and the start of the new fall season, but it’s also National Hunger Action Month. The month of September is the time to reflect on the growing number of homeless and hungry in the world. Hunger Action Month helps us take a step back from our own daily routines to focus on the issues affecting not only our community, but the world. Hunger Action Month is advocated by Feeding America, an organization that dedicates itself to fight hunger in our country.

With September drawing to a close, it’s important to finish the month dedicated to spreading Feeding America’s message. The non profit organization is asking for individuals in the community to ‘speak out’ against hunger. Feeding America challenges us to take a stand and be active in our communities. As the organization indicates on their homepage, it’s important to take action because almost 49 million people are hungry in the US. Those 49 million people often don’t ask for assistance when they need it.

The campaign moves us to step out of our comfort zone and make a difference where our help is needed. The campaign takes the statistics and shocks us with the growing amount of food insecurity in the nation. Feeding America has recently released two videos on YouTube to spread knowledge and invoke people to get involved. One is “Hungry Kate” which demonstrates the frightening statistic that there are more than 16 million children in America who struggle with hunger. The second video is sponsored by celebrities such like 50 Cent, Rachel Ray, and Nick Cannon, and shows that this month is meant to make a difference in our community by volunteering at our food banks. Feeding America runs more than 200 food banks, and those 200 food banks need help and our attention.

There are ways to make a difference and change a life for the better. Feeding America provides prospective volunteers with options such as: touring your local food bank, volunteer at that food bank, ‘like’ Feeding America on Facebook, share a Feeding America statistic on one of your social networks, spread the YouTube videos that Feeding America has released, or just share this information with a friend. To find additional information on Long Island’s food banks and non-profit programs, you can visit this page.

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