
What Every Veteran Needs To Know: Education - Part 6 of a Series

Written by veterans  |  07. September 2007

In the first of this ongoing series we introduce some specific answers to general questions often asked and just as often misunderstood. In Part Two we jumped into one of the "meatiest" of topics, VA Health Care. In Part Three we pulled back a little bit and looked at the overall "other" Federal VA Benefits picture. In part Four we dived back into the "details" as we looked at Counseling & Support. In part Five we looked at Housing. This week we look at Education. VA Education Benefits VA provides education benefits under the Montgomery GI Bill, the Veterans Educational Assistance Program, the Dependents Educational Assistance Program and the Montgomery GI Bill - Selected Reserve. Additional information can be obtained from a VA Regional Office, online or through the toll-free number. Telephone: (888) 442-4551 Website: http://www.gibill.va.gov VONAPP (Veterans On Line Applications) Apply for VA benefits online, including education benefits http://vabenefits.vba.va.gov/vonapp/ New York State Division of Veterans' Affairs Bureau of Veterans Education Reviews and approves educational programs for veterans wanting to use their GI Bill benefits. Call to find out which schools are approved and how to get program approval to use GI Bill benefits. Albany: (518) 474-7607 NYC: (212) 564-8414 Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) New York State agency that helps people pay for college, information on available veterans tuition awards, awards for children of Veterans. Telephone: (888) 697-4372 Website: http://www.hesc.org FinAid Military Student Aid Includes information about student financial aid resources for veterans and their dependents. Website: http://www.finaid.org/military/veterans.phtml This Week's Not Commented on Topic - One Topic, Three Items Item 1 - VETERANS COLLEGE PREP PROGRAM CUT BY FEDS -- Last Thursday, as 30 Veterans were set to start college the day after Labor Day, the Veterans Upward Bound program director at Humboldt State College in California, at 3:30 p.m., received a FedEx message. The grant money for the Federally Funded Program that had existed for the last 33 years was gone. The program, which since 1973 has assisted more than 2,000 Veterans, was summarily canceled... by written notice just one day in advance. A program that not only provided transition from military life to civilian life, a program which helped Veterans adjust to life once again as a student, in preparation for a productive life. Item 2 - VA SECRETARY NICHOLSON URGES CONGRESS NOT TO INCREASE VETERANS BUDGET -- Asks lawmakers to resist adding more money. Says current budget is "fiscally responsible." Item 3 - TODAY THERE ARE (AT LEAST) 4,577 VETERANS OF MODERN WARFARE WHO NO LONGER WILL BE ASKING OUR GOVERNMENT FOR A DIME . . . --- Regards, Walt Schmidt

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