Get in the Back-to-School Mindset: Mentally Getting Ready for School

You may have all of the supplies, but are you mentally ready for back-to-school. Check out our tips on making sure you are mentally ready.

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So, you probably have most of your supplies ready for back to school, but there is more to being ready for school then having supplies. You have to get into the back-to-school mindset.

Summer is almost over and teachers are going to want to jump right back into the education process, so they will be hitting the ground running. Will you be mentally ready for what they want you to do? Some teachers may ease into the work, but you will not have that much time to mentally prepare. Prepare your mind now!

Here are a few tips before you or your kids go back-to-school to be fuly prepared for school:

  • Reread Summer Reading: Many schools have summer reading due by the first day of school. Be sure to review the assignment and perhaps reread the literature your were assigned. Do not be tempted by online resources to do the work for your child, because when it comes to the exam, your child maybe at a disadvantage.
  • Start Going to Bed Early: Maybe your kids have been staying up late all summer. Begin going to bed earlier a week or so before school starts to ensure your child wakes up in time.
  • Tour the School and Follow Schedules: Most schools will be open for your child to go and practice going through their schedule. Apart from finding their classrooms, have your child figure out when they will be visiting their locker.
  • Family Calendar: Either on a physical calendar or on your smartphone and tablet, have your child and other family members begin entering activities and events. They doing this, you and your child will know where everyone is during the day and who will pick up whom from activities.
  • Tutoring: Some children need a little extra help, scheduling your tutor ahead of time will mentally prepare your child and the tutor for their meeting. Be sure you make it clear to the tutor what you want your child to work on. 
  • Check Out Your Public Library: When it comes to research and tutoring opportunities, public libraries have a lot to offer. You and your child should visit your public library before school starts and discuss with them the resources they have during the school year.
  • Junior and Seniors in High School Should Speak to Guidance: These two grades are critical for college preparation or preparing for the work force. If your child has not spoken to their guidance counselor yet, schedule an appointment with them.
  • Lunch Options: Be sure to discuss with your child what they are eating for lunch. If they are packing their own lunch, be sure to discuss with them healthy food options. Otherwise, be sure their lunch accounts have money in them or they have enough cash each day to pay.
  • Clean Up Your Room: An organized room means an organized mind. Have your child clean their room (and maybe everyone can clean the house) before school starts.

How do your kids get mentally prepared for school? Tell us in the comments below!