
MMA / Mixed Martial Arts

Written by karate  |  09. July 2009

You see it Everywhere MMA. But what is it? MMA stands for Mixed Martial Arts. If you've been following my articles and posts for the past few years you wold know that the broad term "Martial Arts" has many branches. The UFC has been successful in promoting this hybrid and intergrated style of fighting to mainstream USA. In MMA you must be able to adeptly use a combination of fighting styles (jiu jitsu,kickboxing,grappleing etc) to dominate your opponent. It has always been my opinion that a student MUST have a strong base in one martial arts and cross train in several other arts inorder to become a complete martial artist. The State of New York at this time does not legally permit MMA Style events. Most area events are held in New Jersey and Conn. This is about to change. Recentlt The NYS Legislature under alot of pressure from NY MMA fans agreed to do studies on having MMA legalized in NY. An October 2009 vote was originally scheduled on MMA but new rumors have it pushed to early 2010. There is no disagreement that MMA fighting can be dangerous . We in the Martial Arts Community applaud The NYS Legislature for looking into legalizing MMA . This way it can be better govererned and made safer for the fighters. It will also add millions to the NYS Tax Fund. The New York MMA Organization has a website that will be a helpfull base of information www.NYMMA.org

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