
Ask Me Elyse: Speechless After a Blind Date

Written by Esther Forrester  |  12. June 2013

Ask Me Elyse is a question and answer advice column dealing with a wide range of topics including relationships, friendships, work, and family. Ask Me Elyse tries to give advice that is saucy yet practical, empathetic yet honest. Do you have a burning question that you would like to ask? Is there an issue that you can't seem to figure out? If so email your questions to askmeelyse@gmail.com.

Dear Elyse,

My friend fixed me up on a blind date. I had a great time on the date but I wasn’t sure what I should say to indicate that I had such a good time. I ended up simply saying goodbye. What should I have done? Is it too late for me?

Yours, Speechless on blind date


Dear Speechless on Blind Date,

First of all, I would like to commend you for having the courage to go on a blind date. It sounds as if you were concerned that your date’s feelings of elation would not mirror your own feelings. I have to tell you that it is likely that your date had a great time, also. Think about what made you have a wonderful encounter. Your date must have executed some kind gestures towards you? Right? It is best to be direct with your date, otherwise she may think you had a horrific time and are now gossiping about it with your golf buddies. Phone your date and tell her that you had a great time. See what she says. Do you really want to be sitting in a diner at 3 am talking with your buddies about how you regret letting the one get away and then having them roll their eyes? Good luck.

Yours, Elyse

Elyse Bradshaw Seinfeld is a writer living on Long Island. She is working on her first book, Stripper on The Loose which will be coming out soon. She considers herself a student of life: from her experiences as a recruiter, a student advisor, a masseuse, a chef, a tennis professional, and a radio show booker, she has seen and lived it all! For more of Elyse's helpful tips, be sure to check out her blog, at AskMeEylse.Blogspot.com.

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