by Nick Christophers The music world will learn soon that a "Jersey Girl" can make an exceptional difference in the pop world. Her name is Nicollette Varanelli a stunning blonde whose voice is just as ...

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by Nick Christophers

The music world will learn soon that a "Jersey Girl" can make an exceptional difference in the pop world. Her name is Nicollette Varanelli a stunning blonde whose voice is just as impressive. Hailing from Dobbs Ferry which is roughly 20 miles north of Manhattan, Nicollette had a deep connection to music. Her love for music was evident at an early age. At the tender age of 3 years old she would sing for hours in front of a mirror with a hairbrush in hand (which was suppose to be a microphone). As she grew older she became more creative by organizing family plays with each family member playing a secondary role.

At age six she was chosen to enter a beauty contest that served the tri-state area. It only expanded from there. When she turned eight years old she participated in her first talent competition. She sang "The Sun will Come out Tomorrow" from the play "Annie". The talent show took place at the Dobbs Ferry High School auditorium which housed at least 1000 people. "At that point my family and friends realized that I had a true talent. In turn I then went ahead and began going to vocal coaches to fine tune my gift," Nicollette added.

Nicollette began training with William Riley (who has worked with Celine Dion) for two years. Currently she is training with Don Lawrence (he had worked with Mick Jagger). Nicollette's music can be compared to the likes of Christine Aguilera and or Jessica Simpson. Whose music she derives her inspiration from. "My early influence to music I would say was Brittany Spears with her dancing and performing. Christina Aguilera inspired me with her vocal skills and Jessica Simpson was kind of my role model. I admired her style and talent and the fact that her family was always together."

Her first album "Free Myself" was heavily influenced by Kelley Clarkson. "After getting dumped by my first boyfriend it was a traumatic experience so I think you can hear a lot of that pent up emotion through my music. My music helped me get through it all."

One of Nicollette major accomplishments would be her performance at Madison Square Garden where she sang the national anthem. Yet the same can be told for her electrifying reenactment of the anthem at the packed Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida before an NFL game.

"After the performance they had an F-14 flyover that almost knocked me over. Yet both were awesome experiences. But the best is yet to come!"

With her success there have been some pitfalls as well. Nicollette has been to many meetings with record labels, production companies and producers. Yet a similar pattern developed they love her work yet the final outcome is not up to par. She has been involved with GMB who had brought Kat DeLuna to Epic records. Nicollette was slatted as the next artist to be signed. But after the outcome of their first unknown artists unfavorable response they opted not to sign another unknown ( Nicollette). "Even though that deal did not workout the next one will be on my terms."

Nicollette's schedule is so involved that attending college had to be put on hold. "Right now, I don't have the time to concentrate on college. As much as I like to go. Between working in the studio, answering myspace mail (75,000 friends presently), working out and now modeling there is no time."

Nicollette's new album "Free Myself" whose revenue will be donated to the St. Jude's Children's Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee is available on nicollettesings.

"It's really an awesome because I want to be a positive role model for young girls. If I want to talk the talk I better walk the walk."

For the future Nicollette hopes to be signed to a label soon yet with the help family and investors she is building enough of a following. In the upcoming year she will be representing a major new line of clothing coming to all upscale stores. In addition, she has two premier public relations firms promoting her in every facet.

When it comes to her family her parents have made financial sacrifices to make her dream reality. "My family has supported me every step of the way. It has become a full time job for them. There in the music business with me."

"I believe that any young girl who desires to be in this business they have to take every opportunity to perform everywhere and anywhere. If they write their own material that is the best. That's where the money is. And for sure put your music on myspace where music professionals can hear it. Most of all never give up!"