
35 Time Management Tips

Written by organizing  |  05. February 2006

1. Allow extra time for activities and projects to accommodate unexpected delays. 2. Catch up on your reading while you wait for appointments. Audio books are a great way to make use of your time while driving to work. 3. Copy your car and house keys and keep duplicates with trusted people, in case you get locked out of your house or car. 4. Designate a place for your keys, wallet and items you use daily so you will not have to look for them when you are ready to leave the house. 5. Establish routines and check lists 6. Get the children off to school more quickly by preparing as much as possible the night before: choosing outfits, deciding what they want to eat for breakfast or lunch, determining what they need for school. 7. Group activities together. Save time by making all of your outgoing telephone calls together, taking care of all your errands at once, etc. 8. Keep driving directions in your computer. Not only directions to your home to give to friends but also of places you have been so you will not need to ask for directions again. 9. Mark pantyhose that can only be worn under pants so you don't have to search for "good" pairs while getting dressed. 10. Plan telephone calls (whether to doctors, plumbers, clients, etc.) whenever possible. Have all necessary materials in front of you. Write key questions down in advance. 11. Plan your meals before you write out your shopping list. It will save time because you will know exactly what you need. 12. Realize that you can't do everything. Delegate in the office and at home. 13. Write reminders in calendars for when cards or gifts need to be mailed or bought. 14. Use only one calendar. Keep personal, professional and family items on one calendar. It will help to eliminate scheduling conflicts. 15. Use your most productive time to do your most productive work. Alert in the morning? Afternoon? Tackle your most difficult, important work during the time of day when you're at your best and you're most likely to complete it. 16. Work on incoming mail at one specific time during the day. Junk mail goes into the garbage, items that need action go into your in box, and non-action items should be filed. 17. Put your clothes away after you take them off; do not let them pile up. It takes 30 seconds to hang up your clothing each day. If you let it pile up, chances are you are looking at a waste of 1/2 hour at the end of the week. 18. Keep all papers in one area of the home and use a filing cabinet for storing papers. This will prevent running around, looking for what you need. Avoid putting papers in odd locations like night tables or in kitchen drawers. 19. Keep all instruction manuals and warranties in one area. An accordion file or binder with sheet protectors are two options for storage. 20. At the end of each day, have all family members go through the house for 15 minutes and put away their things. 21. Set up an area in the home where family members can put items that need to be repaired. 22. Keep like items together in medicine cabinets and make sure you get rid of any expired items on a regular basis. 23. If you need to get something done, avoid interruptions. No e-mail, no phone calls, no conversations. 24. Any time you think of something that you need to do, write it down. Do not interrupt what you are doing to go on to the idea that comes to mind. Also, don't rely on your memory. What gets written gets done. 25. Keep a To Do list in a notebook or on your computer. Also keep a list of errands you need to run. Keep the list with you so if you find you have some time on your hands between appointments, you will have something to fill the void. 26. Keep a master grocery list of items you regularly use. Hang the list on the refrigerator and check off items as you run out of them. Keep this list in your computer so you can easily add things and print copies. 27. Each evening take some time to plan out the next day. Also think what you might want to wear the next day so you have an idea in mind and are not rushing to figure out what to wear. 28. When planning a vacation, get an idea of activities you will be doing and what clothing you will need to bring for each activity. 29. Know when you are overextending yourself. We all try to get as much packed into each day as possible but in the long run, this is not a healthy way to live. If you feel overloaded, think of what things you can take off of your schedule to make life less stressful. 30. Try living in the moment. Give up multi tasking and really focus on each thing you are doing. You will find it reduces stress and makes you more mindful. 31. When you are getting ready in the morning avoid distractions such as e-mail, computer or anything else that might grab your attention. Stay focused on what you are trying to accomplish and keep your eye on the clock. 32. If you work out, try to fit it into your morning routine. This way it is done and you do not have to worry about fitting in exercise at the end of the day when you are more tired. 33. Not sure where you are wasting time? Keep a time log for a week to assess your use of time. 34. Pay bills on line or have bills automatically deducted from your checking account. If you have a credit card that gives you rewards, have all bills paid by that credit card to increase your rewards. 35. Limit your time watching television. Consider recording shows you enjoy and watch them when you have more time on the weekend or on days off.

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