
401 Park Avenue S Fl 10th
New York, NY 10016
Phone: 888-364-4120
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Short for “Population Earth”, Pop Earth is non-profit charity focused on providing low cost to free holistic health and wellness options for people with Autism and Developmental Disabilities.  We also provide advocacy and legal awareness through our “E.Q.U.A.L for Autism” program. Considering those with special needs are more prone to having health issues, unhealthy eating habits and being overweight, our "Eat-Able" workshops aid the individuals and care givers by teaching them how to prepare the tastiest and healthiest meals for each person.

The “Free To Be Me” music and art therapy program gives the children and adults a chance to express themselves by using this creative outlet. Finally, our most successful program “OM for Autism” consists of yoga, reiki, and massage therapy for those with special needs. All types of approaches are used to ease the symptoms of autism and related disorders, helping these unique individuals feel their best!

Visit our website for more details, and keep up with us on Instagram!