So You Want to Write a Story? A Conversation With Two Authors

Plainview (December, 2011) If you have always wanted to see your fiction or nonfiction tale in the published pages of a book or magazine, but don't know how to get started, please attend the fun, ...

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Plainview (December, 2011) - Everyone has a story to tell. If you have always wanted to see your fiction or nonfiction tale in the published pages of a book or magazine, but don't know how to get started, please attend the fun, informative, and interactive workshop, "So You Want To Write a Story: A Conversation With Two Authors," to be held at the Plainview Holiday Inn on December 8, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.

The workshop, which will feature children and young adult book Authors, Karen Bonnet and Linda Maria Frank, will explore the world of writing and publishing and teach attendees how to write, publish and market their stories. It will include a 45-minute workshop, buffet breakfast, real world advice from experienced Long Island authors, resource materials to bring home, and a FREE autographed by book from the authors.

Bonnet, an Oceanside resident, is a writer and publicist, and the author of the exciting adventure novel, Whale Island and the Mysterious Bones, for children age eight to twelve. Frank a retired science teacher who resides in Massapequa, authored the riveting mystery books for young adults, The Madonna Ghost and Girl With Pencil Drawing. Their books can be found on and, as well as retail outlets throughout Long Island and nationally.

A portion of the proceeds from sales of the authors' books are donated to The INN in Hempstead, a non-profit organization that provides food and shelter for the needy.

For information about the event or to register, you may call Donna Cariello at 516-449-8402, or log onto her Website, and look for event details. Sponsorship opportunities are also available.