A Holiday Meditation


A Holiday Meditation Santa Claus floated his way down 34th Street on Thanksgiving Day, which has been the traditional kick-off to the holiday season, along with football games every Sunday and white lights blinking on ...

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A Holiday Meditation

Santa Claus floated his way down 34th Street on Thanksgiving Day, which has been the traditional kick-off to the holiday season, along with football games every Sunday and white lights blinking on our Long Island Main Streets, inviting shoppers to spend, spend and then spend some more! Coupons come in the mail everyday; stores are opened earlier and closed later; families have to decide who goes where and for how long and who cooks what. And then there is the question of how far off the budget and diet am I really going to go this holiday season...before the Jenney Craig and Weight Watchers commercials start on January 1.

It's the holidays, and no matter what your religious persuasion, you can't avoid the stress of it all. It's been often said that if you want something done, give it to a busy person. If you are that busy person, beware! The wish list can seem endless. And let's not forget the emotions associated with this time of year. Nostalgia. Remembering old friends and enjoying new ones. Missing loved ones who have passed on, and maintaining - and working at -- relationships with loved ones in our present company. It's easy to get run down and become susceptible to the flu...'tis the season, after all.

So, you may ask, why is a yoga teacher reminding us about this stress? Because, yoga is one of the best ways to prevent...yes, I said, prevent, this stress brought about by the holiday madness. Through yoga and meditation, we learn to center ourselves, to become one with our higher selves. It's a journey inward to the things that matter most to us. Yoga is a present to ourselves because it keeps us in the present, and it helps us journey to good health and happiness.

No matter how many stores you frequent looking for that perfect gift, you will never be able to find heath and happiness wrapped up in a golden box with a beautiful bow. If you could find that treasure, you would buy it for everyone you loved, including yourself. Well, you can have good health and happiness if you invest the time and effort in a yoga class and learn to meditate. Learn to keep your sense of perspective. Focus your mind. Take time away from the holiday traffic in the world, and travel inward to your own world. You may be surprised what you find there...a sense of peace and calm, and a sense of love. And, isn't that what the holidays are about?

If you are interested in taking a class, check out Cecille's ongoing meditation sessions. Call for more info!

Namaste. (If you're curious, this greeting basically means the divine in me recognizes the divine in you. Appropriate for all year long, but especially during this time of year, isn't it?)