Do You Need Long Term Care Insurance?

Plan, research and be vigilant. By Darren M. Klein Most of us would prefer to live at home and take care of ourselves. Some of us may be able to do that but ...

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Plan, research and be vigilant.

By Darren M. Klein

Most of us would prefer to live at home and take care of ourselves. Some of us may be able to do that but many of us will not. At some point you or a loved one may require some type of long term care. Don't let yourself be caught off guard and make a decision you may regret. Know your options and be prepared.

Congratulations on deciding to take control. That is the first step in the process to receiving the appropriate level and the quality of care you deserve. I have compiled a checklist that you may use to help gather the information needed to make an educated decision.

Over the next four articles you will learn how technology will help you find the information that you need and be able to answer the following questions:

    How does technology help?

  • Perform your Initial research

  • Facility comparison

  • How do I Choose the Appropriate Level of Care?

  • Home-Based Services

  • Hospital-Based Skilled Nursing Facilities

  • Skilled Nursing Facilities

  • Intermediate Care Facilities

  • Custodial Care Facilities

  • How Much Will Long Term Care Cost?

  • What are your options?

  • Private Insurance - Individual or Group (e.g. Medicaid, Medicare, Insurance Shopping)

  • How Do I find the appropriate facility?

  • What does the facility offer?

  • What is the facility's track record?

  • How does their staff measure up?

  • How do they treat their residents?

  • Is the facility visually appealing?

What issues would you like to see addressed in future columns?

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